  • 薪酬报告
  • 雇佣调研
  • 2019 CONNECTUS Job Marketing Insight - Human Resources
    发布时间:2019.07.17    浏览次数:  作者:admin


    In recent years, the traditional business model for all industries has remained stable. In order to create new businesses and expand markets, companies are demanding more from existing human resource structure and talent management systems. Companies are willing to invest more in evaluating and improving organizational effectiveness, attracting and maintaining top talents as well as educating talents who exhibit great potential. Additionally, traditional human resource management systems are finding it increasingly difficult to adapt to the ever-changing demands of the market.


    Cloud computing, AI, robotics and other new technologies will greatly challenge traditional human resource management methods. For future human resource management, the HR department will be required to understand the business operations of its company and exert influence on its business departments.

    同时,二三线城市如成都、武汉、郑州等随着经济发展对人力资源岗位的专业要求比以前更高,当地HR人才库已经满足不了企业发展的要求,大部分的关键岗位须从北上广深等城市引进。毕竟专业资源、学习资源、人脉资源、企业资源依然会集中在一线城市,如果想要在专业有所建树,一线城市依然是最佳的选择 。

    Meanwhile, in second and third-tier cities like Chengdu, Wuhan and Zhengzhou, the existing talent pools cannot meet the demands of most companies. These companies have to look for candidates from first-tier cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen where professional opportunities, education, connections and market resources are abundant. First-tier cities remain the best place to live for candidates who want to have a successful career.


    Considering the international environment and China’s policies which support independent brands, an increasing number of human resource managers are uncertain about whether to work for Chinese or foreign companies. It is apparent that Chinese companies are going to make a great impact in the international arena.


