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  • 2019 CONNECTUS Job Marketing Insight - Healthcare
    发布时间:2019.07.15    浏览次数:  作者:admin

    在延续2016-2017年的政府政策下,2018年国内创新药厂的成长十分快速,尤其是在人才的需求上,除了从外资药厂引进人才,甚至还有从不同国家将人才引入,因此候选人的选择权相对多元化。但同时, 2019年因政府的政策变动及医药假疫苗事件,,医药市场未来的主要任务,将会是如何在如此过热的市场需求下还必须兼顾质量,保障人民的医药环境安全并且达到政府对于医药环境的改革。

    Following government policies in 2016 and 2017, China’s innovative drug manufacturers developed rapidly in 2018. They recruited talent with relevant experience in foreign pharmaceutical companies in China as well as talent from other countries. Therefore, candidates have a wide range of choices. Due to policy changes which will take effect in 2019 and the fall-out from the “fake vaccine crisis”, pharmaceutical companies need to ensure the quality of their products and respond to the government’s reform measures.

    所以我们会看到,2018年国内创新药的研发崛起 这类企业以然是外资药厂的研发人才流动的目标,接连带动的是外资药厂必须解决在中国市场遇到的困境及挑战,因此,2019年的人才市场无论是内资还是外资的需求依然是十分火热的。

    Therefore, we are going to see more talent flow from research jobs in foreign pharmaceutical companies in China to Chinese innovative drug manufacturers. As a result, foreign pharmaceutical companies in China will need to react to talent loss. Consequently, there will be plenty of job vacancies in both Chinese and foreign pharmaceutical companies.


    In 2019, there will be a talent flow in marketing and sales jobs. Pharmaceutical companies introducing products due to new government policies will heat up competition in China’s healthcare industry.


