  • 薪酬报告
  • 雇佣调研
    发布时间:2022.01.10    浏览次数:  作者:admin


    Alex Seah

    当前全球疫情仍在持续演变,外部环境更趋复杂严峻。而中国经济在很大程度上已经从疫情造成的破坏中恢复过来。世界银行发布的《全球经济展望》表示,中国在2021 年对全球经济增长的贡献将超过1/4。中国国内市场不仅可以成为本国经济发展的引擎,也可以成为其他国家经济发展的引擎。中国经济的稳定发展,也带来了更多对人力资源领域的挑战。如何面对新名词,新概念,新模式,是我们必将面临的新课题。
    数字化所带来的冲击,正在前所未有地颠覆我们的想象。十四五”规划与2035 年远景目标纲要提出“打造数字经济新优势”。数字技术正以新理念、新业态、新模式全面融入人类经济、政治、文化、社会、生态文明建设各领域和全过程。在5G、量子计算、高端芯片、高性能计算机、网络架构、基础操作系统、卫星互联网应用、工业互联网及智能制造等领域取得一批重大科技成果,成为推动数字变革的重要力量。根据中国人民大学中国就业研究所发布的《数字文化产业就业研究报告》,我国数字化人才缺口接近1100 万,且伴随全行业的数字化推进,需要更为广泛的数字化人才引入,人才需求缺口依然在持续放大。
    根据国家建设人才强国的目标,为了加快建设世界重要人才中心和创新高地,到2025 年,国家会持续在研发经费上进行投入,科技创新主力军队伍建设将取得重要进展。在关键核心技术领域的创新型人才及团队将被赋予更重要的使命。相信各行企业也会根据目标,将吸引科技创新人才作为重中之重。
    经济大环境的正向驱动,国家政策的清晰指导,人力资源行业必然会陪伴各行各业,共同在2022 年将人才高地的建设推动到新的高度。
    As the global pandemic situation continues to escalate worldwide,the external environment is becoming increasingly complex and severe. However, China’ s economy has already largely recovered from the impact of COVID-19. The Global Economic Prospects released by World Bank indicates that China will contribute more than one quarter of global economic growth in 2021, and the domestic market in China is a dynamic engine for both local and international economic development. The stable growth of China’ s economy also brings about more challenges to human resources. New terms, new concept and new models are going to be the new issues for us to address in the near future.
    The impact of digitalization is subverting our imagination like never before. China’ s 14th Five-Year plan and 2035 Long-term Objectives propose to “forge new strengths of the digital economy” . Digital technology is now being fully integrated into diverse fields and the whole process chain of human, economic, political, cultural, social and ecological civilization construction with new concepts, new business forms and new models. A series of major achievements in science and technology have been made in the fields of 5G, quantum computing, high-end chips, high-performance computers, network architecture, basic operating systems, satellite internet applications, industrial Internet of Things and intelligent manufacturing, becoming an essential force for digital transformation. According to the Employment Research Brief in Digital Culture Industry released by China Institute for Employment Research (CIER) of Renmin University of China, China’ s talent shortage in digital industry has reached almost 11 million, and along with the industry-wide digital development, a wider range of digital talents need to be brought in, as the shortage in talent demand keeps increasing.
    According to the national objective of making a talent-strong country, in order to accelerate the establishment of a world center of professional talent and pinnacle of innovation, China will continuously invest in R&D (research and development) and target to achieve major progress in developing a major force in science and technology innovation by 2025. Innovative talents and departments in core technology areas will be given more important missions. It is believed that enterprises across all industries will also make attracting scientific and innovative talent as their top priority.
    With the positive general economic environment and clear strategic directions of national policies, the human resource industry across all sectors will jointly create and develop China into a talent pinnacle in 2022.

    With a slo w economic recovery, companies have become more cost conscious and are only willing to offer realistic market compensation when hiring talents. Companies sought candidates that have strong technical capabilities, stable in their career, able to withstand adversity and good t eam players with strong cross functional abilities. However, candidates have become more conservative and are less likely to change job. Hence, hiring the right talent will become even more challenging for employers in 2023.


