Alex Seah
If you look at the industry developments in the recent years,
you will find intelligent and digital technology prevailing in all walks of
life. The traditional industry as we know it is no longer the same because
enterprises are upgrading their business philosophy and technology. With the
government putting more money into new infrastructure, the construction of 5G base
stations, UHV transmissions, inter-city high-speed railways and urban railways, new
energy charging stations, big data centers, artificial intelligence and the
industrial Internet, more jobs and talent demands are bound to be
created. According to the ‘2020 New Infrastructure Talent Report’, the demand
for core technical personnel in new infrastructure is expected to reach 4.17
million people by the end of this year. Taking the 5G industry as an example,
the investment and development of this industry is about to enter a golden
period in the next five to ten years. It is estimated that in 2030, this
industry will create over 8 million positions directly and 11.5 million
positions indirectly. Therefore, we can see that the demand for highly skilled
talents may multiply day by day. The ‘pursuit for changes’ and ‘flexibility’
will be the key to competitiveness for future jobs. Talent with innovative
thinking, adaptability, and quick learning skills will be very much needed.
纵观近几年的行业发展,从各方面都能感受到智能化、数字化趋势在各个行业的渗透,普遍观念中的“传统行业”不复存在,企业无论是在经营理念或是技术水平方面都在不断的更新迭代。随着政府方面持续加大对新基建的投入,所涉及5G基站建设、特高压、城际高速铁路和城市轨道交通、新能源汽车充电桩、大数据中心、人工智能、工业互联网等领域产生了更多新兴的岗位,催生新的人才需求。根据《2020年新基建产业人才发展报告》,我国新基建核心技术人才缺口预期年底将达417万人。以5G产业举例,在未来的5到10年间, 5G产业投资发展将进入黄金时期,预计到2030年,5G产业可以直接创造超过800万个就业岗位,间接创造约1150万个就业岗位。由此可见,未来对于高端应用型人才的需求将会与日俱增。“求变”“灵活”将是未来岗位竞争力的关键词,具备创新思维、有较强的适应性和快速学习能力的人才将成为核心紧缺人才。
Having gone through the black swan incident of the global
epidemic in 2020, enterprises have to bear in mind a sense of crisis and
realize that talents are essential for sustainable development. How to keep and
train them will be a new challenge for these companies. Under the backdrop of
globalization, more domestic private enterprises are trying to go global, and
they also improved their company structure and culture so as to attract
excellent talents. Compared with mature management methods in multi-national
companies (MNC), local private companies give broader space for professionals
to develop and realize their own values. As a result, quite a few executives in
MNCs choose to turn to private companies for better development. According to
the CIER Index Report published by the China Institute for Employment Research in
Renmin University of China, MNCs were less popular than before in the job fair.
In recent years, the CIER of private companies is higher than that of MNCs. The
statistics in the 2Q2020 report suggested that the epidemic has led to a
decrease of CIER both in private companies and MNCs. However, the CIER index of
private companies was 0.88, still higher than that of MNCs, which was 0.5.
(CIER Index is used to demonstrate the employment situation in China, its
calculation formula is CIER = the number of employees needed in the market /
the number of candidates who applied for jobs)
Under this circumstance, both private enterprises and MNCs are
concerned with attracting and retaining core talents, hence putting more
emphasis on employer branding. Judging by the Global Report of Employer Brand
Research, companies with excellent brands receive twice the number of resumes
than normal companies do while the former ones don’t have to pay extra money
for that. Those with a worse reputation may have to pay more than 10% of hiring
cost. The effective ways to improve employer branding are to pay attention to
the needs of talents in salary, corporate value, promotion mechanism and
training opportunities. The stronger the employer brand, the more excellent
core employees may be attracted to the company.