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  • 2019 CONNECTUS Job Marketing Insight - High Technology AI
    发布时间:2019.07.17    浏览次数:  作者:admin

    如果说2017年是中国企业快速布局人工智能在的一年,2018年人工智能的火并没有随着经济的低迷而变得冷静, 2018年年初, 以京东为代表的公司迅速以高薪抢夺AI人才,快速拼杀进AI 高科技人才储备和应用行业。外部感受到的情况是, 京东的薪酬简直是扰乱市场行情, 但是正是在这样的市场情况下, 京东的操作才可以力挽狂澜迅速构建AI 人才梯队。

    In 2017, most Chinese companies expanded their businesses in the AI field. These expansions were not hindered by the economic downturns of 2018. In the beginning of 2018, companies like entered the AI industry and used high salaries to compete for AI talents. Although the extremely high salaries offered by disrupts the industry’s salary system to some extent, it is the only way the company can build a team of AI talent in the fiercely competitive market.

    AI 行业出现几家炙手可热的独角兽公司, 后起之秀也很多, AI科技公司总体体量大概超出100家。 从整体招聘趋势来看, 今年中端和稍微低端一点的人才需求更为急迫,因人才梯队并不完整, HR 和猎头依然都面对需求很多,人才很少的局面,加上2017年大部分AI 人才已经选好平台, 短期不会变化, 让挖猎和企业招聘AI 人才变得更难。

    There are already some promising unicorn companies in the AI industry.  Many other companies are also growing quickly. The overall number of tech companies in the AI industry is over 100. Entry-level jobs are in greater demand this year, as there is higher demand for talent than supply available. Most AI talents have found jobs in 2017 and they won’t change them in the short term, which makes head-hunting and recruitment more difficult.

    今年的AI岗位需求也变为更加关注AI研究人员的工程落地能力, 多数算法岗位非常强调coding技能, 而不是理论为主。

    在这个环境下的AI招聘需要更多的耐心和毅力, 那么最后坚持深挖并对行业有深入了解的猎头会脱颖而出。

    Employers are focusing on the candidate’s implementation ability, for example, for algorithm jobs. Candidates are also required to have strong coding skills instead of theoretical skills.

    Head-hunters who patiently wait and have a deep understanding of the AI industry may find the right candidate in the end.


