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  • 2019 CONNECTUS Job Marketing Insight - Automotive
    发布时间:2019.07.16    浏览次数:  作者:admin

    Automotive-OEM Sales & Marketing


    Facing a slow growing industry, traditional OEMs tend to focus on their existing distributor network and help distributors adapt to market changes by enhancing operation capability and profitability. Therefore, there is great demand for talents who can manage and improve regional retail operations.


    Meanwhile, OEMs are planning to influence the market through customer lifecycle management and to create more effective customer communications. A number of OEMs have established a Customer Relationship Management Department, an independent team parallel to sales, marketing, after-sales and network management. As a result, the job market greatly needs talents with customer relationship management experience.


    Furthermore, automobile manufacturers are developing new businesses such as IoV platforms and commuting services to offset potential risks in sales. Candidates for these businesses are mainly from consulting firms or from the new business/corporate strategy departments of rivals. It’s difficult to find the right person for these jobs because of limited candidate choice and limited budget for salaries.


    随着2018年国内新能源汽车突破70万辆大关的步伐,新能源车市可谓进入到“快马加鞭”的发展节奏;一方面传统品牌OEM 如BMW, GM, VW纷纷在政策趋势和市场战略两大因素影响下进行了一系列动作,另一方面新势力造车在市场上后劲十足,百花齐放。汽车的技术发展和市场导向,使得行业里的求职者蠢蠢欲动又胆颤心惊,更多数的是伺机而动,从而进一步的加剧招聘的难度。

    New energy vehicle sales in China totaled over 700,000 units in 2018, marking an emerging “golden era” in the market. On the one hand, traditional OEMs such as BMW, GM and VM, have taken actions to respond to policy changes and market trends. On the other hand, the new energy vehicle market is flourishing. Applicants are keeping a close eye on technological advancements and market trends, waiting cautiously and patiently for job opportunities. Thus, recruitment has become even more difficult.


    New energy vehicle sales in China totaled over 700,000 units in 2018, marking an emerging “golden era” in the market. On the one hand, traditional OEMs such as BMW, GM and VM, have taken actions to respond to policy changes and market trends. On the other hand, the new energy vehicle market is flourishing. Applicants are keeping a close eye on technological advancements and market trends, waiting cautiously and patiently for job opportunities. Thus, recruitment has become even more difficult.


    Traditional and fuel oil manufacturers, who face even greater challenges during recruitment, need to work together with professional headhunters. These head hunters need to better understand traditional fuel oil products and markets, so they can find better candidates.



    There is an enthusiasm for vehicle design/manufacturing in China, as demonstrated by the number of Internet companies which are designing and researching vehicles. Major manufacturers have focused their attention on digital, smart and shared vehicles.


    While mechanical and electrical job openings have decreased, web developers who are competent in front-end or back-end development are still needed, especially as full-stack developers. With the popularity of IoV and autonomous driving, the number of jobs requiring AI, big data and algorithm skills will increase.


    Building IT and cloud service platforms, has created job opportunities relating to IT infrastructure, project management and network security.

    Automotive- Parts Sales & Marketing

    随着汽车保有量的稳步提升,汽车零部件行业作为整车行业的基础,仍然还有较大的增长空间。 短期看,零部件企业面临成本压力,但从长远看,节能化,电气化,智能化等趋势也极大地刺激了行业的发展。

    As automobile ownership expands, the auto-parts industry being the foundation for the OEM industry, still has potential for growth. In the short term, auto-parts manufacturers face high costs. However, in the long run, the goal of building energy-saving, electrical and smart vehicles will spur the industry’s development.


    Enterprises need to make strategic adjustments, such as the integration of upstream and downstream resources, asset spin-offs and mergers as well as horizontal expansions to adapt to the ever-changing markets.

    在配套市场,传统的销售、市场职位仍然有稳定的需要,且雇主对候选人战略思维能力、谈判能力、稳定性等几个方面进行考核。另外, 由于自主品牌的快速提升,业务开拓能力也会尤为重要。

    In the automotive parts industry, there is still a stable need for talent working in the sales and marketing fields. Employers evaluate candidates based on their strategic thinking skills, negotiation skills and loyalty. The rapid development of self-owned brands has increased the importance of business development skills.

    另一方面,汽车保有量的持续上升也为售后市场的发展奠定了良好的基础。 但是由于售后市场缺少行业标准,且门槛较低,也会引来激烈的竞争。

    Additionally, the continuous increase of automobile ownership has created favorable conditions for the after-sales market. However, competitions in the after-sales market are fierce, as it requires little exclusive expertise and lacks an industry standard. Diverse channels, well-established processes and optimal services are imperative elements for improving brand competitiveness.


